Frequently Asked Questions​

I endeavour to see you within a two-week period where possible. I know it can be hard waiting and I do my best to see you as soon as possible.

Whilst you are waiting for face-to-face sessions, you may like to consider an online therapy course to learn practical strategies to improve your mental health and wellbeing right away.  These courses are offered by St Vincent’s Hospital through an online platform called “THIS WAY UP”.

Doing a course is an active way of preparing for face-to-face therapy, while you wait. You can start practicing the strategies right away, even before your first appointment. The courses are low-cost when completed independently as self-help, or free when supervised by counsellor. 

Call, email or text me for free access.

You do not need a referral. You can call or email us to book an appointment or ask any questions.

A typical therapy session is 50  – 60 minutes.

The number of sessions vary based on your circumstances. Typically, people start with four to six sessions following the initial assessment. Sessions are either weekly or fortnightly depending on what works for you. This is something we will plan and discuss at your initial appointment.

Yes. Online sessions are conducted via Zoom. You can access Zoom via mobile phone, tablet, or computer.

Individual Therapy – $ 110 per session

Group Therapy – $ 35 per session

Art Therapy – Costs vary based on materials required

Occupational Rehabilitation Services – $200 per hour

Creative Workshops – Costs vary based on the workshops offered

I believe everyone is entitled to affordable and accessible counselling, so I have sessions available at a significantly reduced cost. Please contact me to discuss your circumstances prior to booking your appointment.

In the interest of clients that are on a waiting list for appointments, I ask that if you are unable to attend a session, please cancel or reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours before your appointment. 

If you cancel less than 24 hours in advance or do not show up for your appointment, you will be charged a $50 cancellation fee.

M-Power Counselling adheres to a strict confidentiality policy in accordance with a professional code of ethics,  except in the following circumstance:

  • Your safety or someone’ else safety is at risk
  • Our notes are subpoenaed by court
  • You provide us with written consent to discuss your circumstances to another person or organisation

We also adhere to strict security protocols with the collection, storage and disposal of data collected.   

I am available Monday – Thursday during business hours. I understand that not everyone can come to see us during business hours.

Please contact me for after hours or weekend appointments.

Unfortunately, counsellors are not eligible for Medicare rebates.

I can accept the following health funds –  BUPA, Medibank, AHM St Luke’s Health, Police Health, Emergency Services Health, Phoenix Health, CUA Health

Yes, I am registered with WorkCover Queensland, and I can provide counselling services to support you if you have had a work-related injury.

I also accept referrals and enquiries from GPs, insurers, rehabilitation providers, solicitors or even employers. 

Ready to take the next step?