My Favourite Chronic Pain Apps

Pain is a common experience for most people. However, one in five Australians will experience pain that will not go away. According to The International Association for the Study of Pain, pain is described “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage.”

Chronic pain affects 1 in 5 Australians aged 45 years. The economic cost of chronic pain in Australia is approximately $34.3 billion dollars annually. Between 50 – 80 percent of pain sufferers are untreated. Untreated chronic pain significantly affects all aspects of daily life.

Whilst there are passive therapies such as medication, surgery, allied health treatments they come at a cost to your health and finances. Hence it is important to actively self-manage your chronic pain on a daily basis. One such way is by using a Chronic Pain App. Many of these pain apps are free and can be helpful to manage chronic pain on a daily basis, or whilst you are awaiting access to pain services through health system.

Here’s my pick of 10 apps to make life with chronic pain a bit easier.

  1. My Pain Diary:
  2. Curable:
  3. Manage my Pain:
  4. Catch my Pain:
  5. Protectometer:
  6. Recognise:
  7. Pain Scale:
  8. Flaredown:
  9. Chronic Pain Tracker:
  10. Pathways Pain Relief:

Do you have a favourite Chronic Pain App? please feel free to share in the comments below.

Please feel free to reach out if you need more information or help for your pain management.

M-Power Counselling & Consultancy