The Cycle Of Chronic Pain

Pain is an alarm system created by our brain / nervous system that alerts you to danger in your bodies, such as touching something hot. Unfortunately for some of us this system does not shut off after its initial pain warnings, such as when bulged disc becomes persistent back pain. This persistent pain begins to interfere with every aspect of your life.

You are now stuck in the fear – avoidance / persistent pain cycle?

The fear of pain makes you avoid doing things that could potentially aggravate your pain. This in turn results in physical deconditioning, negative thoughts, mood disorders, poor sleep, time off work, and withdrawal from recreational, pleasurable, or family activities. The pain cycle perpetuates this pain experience, resulting in more pain.

According to Dr Lorimer Moseley, Neuroscientist, and researcher at the University of South Australian “the longer pain persists the more sensitive the pain system becomes”. Hence, understanding the relationship between pain and the brain can help you better manage chronic pain. Persistent pain is not necessarily a life sentence. With the right help and support you can train your brain to desensitise from pain.

Your pain is real but is does not have to control your life. Do not give up.

M-Power Counselling & Consultancy