Tips to Stay Well With Chronic Pain During Christmas

Christmas is supposed to be a joyous time with family and friends, however if you live with chronic pain, you already know how challenging it can be with the pressures and expectations that come with the holiday season.

With Christmas festivities well on the way, the season is in full swing. The toll of decorating, planning, shopping, cooking, and socialising can lead to stress, depression, increased pain, fatigue, and frustration. From my own experiences with chronic pain, I understand these feelings all too well.

Here are some of my tips to help you cope and get through the season with less pain.

  1. Plan ahead and stay organised: It is never too early to start planning for the holiday season. Make a list all the tasks that need to be done in preparation for the festivities. Prioritize these tasks and get them done on days when your pain levels are not too bad. Break tasks down into smaller steps and pace them out. Remember to rest and recuperate between activities.
  2. Delegate: If you have family and friends that can lend a hand, reach out to them and delegate some of your tasks. Christmas is all about caring and sharing, so it is the perfect opportunity to have your loved ones help you make it a perfect day.
  3. Opt for convenience: If the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping is too much to manage with chronic pain, opt for the convenience of online food and gift shopping in the comfort of your own home.
    Take the stress out of wrapping up presents and opt for gifts bags and boxes instead.
    Swap cooked hot finger food for pre-made grazing platters of cheese, dips, crackers, meats.
    Trade fine China for disposable tableware.
    These trade – offs may be worth if it helps to reduce your pain and give you more energy to enjoy the season.
  1. Make you health a priority: Your state of mind and emotional wellbeing play a key role in how you experience pain. The festive season can be overwhelming, and if you are predisposed to depression and anxiety talk to your therapist or counsellor about strategies to manage your mental health during the season.

Stay on track with your medication, treatment schedules and pain management routines. Eat and drink in moderation. Adhere to your sleep and exercise routines as much as possible and find time to relax and recuperate when you need it.

Do not forget to take care of YOU in the hustle and bustle of the festive season.

Need help with to mange chronic pain during the festive season, reach out.

M-Power Counselling & Consultancy